What's a DPO???
If you own an MG or for that matter any one of the various LBC marques, then there is a very good chance that you have one or more of these "DPOs". Is it a part or a collection of parts on your car that you haven't been able to identify and maybe always wondered what it was and what it does? Is it one of those funny little terms that the Brits use from time to time to make you listen a little closer?
If your first answer was "Democratic Party of Oregon" then you might be a politician. Or, if you said "Days Payable Outstanding" then chances are that you're a bean counter. You might have said "Why that's easy, that stands for "Direct Public Offering". This guy is a stock broker. How about "Delta Phi Omega"? Your probably a southern Florida college sorority student.
Okay, okay... I'm finally ready to let you off the hook. It stands for "Dumb Previous Owner". As I said, it's something that most of us have and we probably think of him or her from time to time when we are having to correct something they did to our car in it's previous life.
You've probably used a few expressions to describe this guy, too, most of which are not printable. I'll bet terms like "What was this guy thinking?" or "What is this thing?" are often heard in the garage when trying to sort something out.
As an example of what I'm talking about, I found this interesting letter from a frustrated LBC owner and decided to share it with you:
Dear DPO,
Finally pulled the motor/tranny from the "B" I bought from you. Really strange that the darn thing didn't just jump right out onto the pavement. Why? Well, first off the motor mounts need more than 2 bolts each in them, and you should try to use lock washers in the future, preferably new.
Add to that, the tranny to block bolts... count the holes... 2 starter bolts and 3 long bolts just isn't a good thing! Well, at least you used lock washers on two of these.
And what's with the thin threaded rod from the block to the tranny cross-member... if you are going to make a "Stayrod" at least make it from something solid... and fill in all the cross-member bolt holes...
Good to see you at least filled all the bolt holes and used lock washers on the driveshaft.
Have a good day, and thanks for letting me take this car away from you saving it from an early death.
BTW... since is it so thickly covered in grease and gunk...without using a pressure washer, what do you recommend using to clean the engine and tranny?
Sincerely, Me
I'm sure there are many of you that have your own "DPO" stories and this is an excellent place to share them. Some can be very funny and some sorta sad. But one thing is certain, this is a good place to learn from the experiences of others and hopefully avoid becoming a future "DPO" yourself.
Larry Wyatt
For the Midget all I know is they did a horrible wiring job on the after-market speakers they put in, but that will be an easy fix.
Of course my now-gone Ford Tempo had a DPO. Let's just say that it had been wrecked before I got it, causing the driver's door to fly open if you hit the brakes. Needless to say, I wasn't sorry to see it go. In fact, it went rather spectacularly--the engine blew up, and as I was attempting to exit the vehicle (and remove it from the roadway), someone hit it, and wrote it off!
I also noticed that the driver side seat rocked back and forth while taking corners (uh oh!). Removing the seats and rugs showed that two of the driver's seat bolts now gripped little rusted discs of the floor pan, and that a foot (size 9 and smaller) could pass through to the ground. One of the seat's bolts had been moved to a new location, where there had still been floor material at the time, but that hadn't lasted long.
These faults have since been rectified with metal and the car no longer creaks, groans and flexes like an old house when being lifted by a jack. In the DPO's defence, he did a bang up job rebuilding transmission!
Bought vehicle in Melbourne and it looked good and capable of handling the 2300km drive home. Half way, heard big noise and temperature started climbing. Lifted hood and noticed 3 blades of the thermo fan had sheered off. Closer inspection revealed that DPO had glued the blades on. Second incident occurred one week later. Went out to look at the car and noticed that it had a really bad case of acne. DPO had obviously sprayed the car in the dust or wet. Upside is that it's caused me to do a complete rebuild. Oh well.
My bro's DPO (GT6+) claimed to be a dirt track racer, but had no air filters on the ZS 150's. What's more, the round spare tire holder (with the little hook) had been stuck in place of the long since removed fuel sending unit, presumably the only thing hand to prevent dust from getting down into the fuel tank. Really? >_
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